


logotipo disaster-01




Summary: Display of spatial location of flood cases and landslide cases occurred in Portugal mainland from 1865 to 2010, obtained from press releases fulfilling the DISASTER entry criteria (any flood or landslide that, independently of the number of affected people, caused either casualties, injuries, or missing, evacuated or homeless people).

Data Property: Disaster Project (Flood cases theme,Landslide cases theme, Morfo-structural units theme), Direcção Geral do Território (Themes derived from CAOP, 2012: Portugal mainland,Nuts2, Nuts3, Districts, Municipalities and Parishes), Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente (Rivers theme, Hydrographic regions theme), Instituto Geográfico do Exército (Digital Terrain Model theme), Instituto Nacional de Estatística (Population density in 2011 theme: Data from Censos 2011).

Cautions on use of information: The Disaster Team discourages the use of data on Disaster Flood and landslide cases to model susceptibility or hazard. Eventually, the data may be used to validate susceptibility and hazard models.

Citation: DISASTER Team (2013). Web-GIS DISASTER. DISASTER - GIS database on hydro-geomorphological disasters in Portugal: a tool for environmental management and emergency planning (FCT - PTDC/CS-GEO/103231/2008).

Software WEB-GIS: Geoserver version 2.1 SNAPSHOT (http://geoserver.org/display/GEOS/Welcome). Optimized for Google Chrome.

Data details: Version from 2 November 2012, Disaster Team, IGOT-CEG, University of Lisbom.



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